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MBA – Technology Management

Program Mission: Embracing Technology, Enhancing Business

The world is beginning to look at India as a dependable partner to lead the path. As India continues to ascend on the global economic stage, the need for skilled professionals who can seamlessly navigate the intersection of technology and business has become paramount. Global corporations count Indian origin leaders as a priceless asset class in their ever-expanding reach for new markets and growth. The path has been paved with global leaders who are products of the Indian education system at Microsoft, Google, IBM.

Indian managerswill increasingly need tocreate global technology products &companies out of India and set the stage for a new reign of growth and become leaders on the global stage. The integration of artificial intelligence, data analytics, blockchain, and other cutting-edge technologies into daily operations underscores the necessity for a new generation of leaders who can adeptly harness these tools to drive growth, innovation, and competitiveness.

For industry professionals with 2-7 years of experience in the industry with a passion for value creation through technology, this is the right program to fast forward their careers.

Why TAPMI MBA Technology

This program will nurture management professionals who can envision and convert the business opportunities that emerging technologies offer into technology products and services. The 2-year (6 trimester) program is offered in TAPMI Bangalore campus, with instruction by industry professionals and academic research professors and continuous live projects in renowned Technology companies in Bangalore and other Technology hubs.

The program has a unique Three Pillar Curriculum:

1. Business management fundamentals
2. Technology Management including the Creation, Selling of Technology as well as Implementation and Adoption of Technology.
3. Industry Vertical Specializations that are key in India at present
• FinTech
• E-Commerce and Retail
• Healthcare

Distinctive features of the TAPMI MBA Technology Management Program:

1. Instruction by Industry Practitioners:
30% of all instruction of Technology Management and Industry Vertical courses will be delivered by seasoned industry practitioners.
2. Software Driven Instruction:a. A minimum of 30% of learning will happen usingindustry-leading software tools in each course.
3. Industry Mentor Program:
a. Each student will have a seasoned industry professional as a mentor through a formal mentoring program.
4. Emphasis on Applied Learning:
a. Long-duration Internships: The summer internship will span a duration of 12 weeks.
b. Immersive Live Projects:
i. Students will learn through multiple live internship projects with leading technology organizations.
c. Technology Labs: TAPMI Bangalore has setup the following technology labs for students to gain insights on Current Industry Standard Software Tools and Technologies:
i. Supply Chain Management
ii. FinTech
iii. Robotic Process Automation
iv. AI/ML
v. Leadership Assessment and Development Center