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Call for Papers:

We invite extended abstracts/case studies related to the conference theme from academicians, industry professionals, research scholars, and independent consultants/professionals. Interested participants are requested to submit an abstract of their work. In particular, we invite papers around the following areas (but not limited to)

Track 1: Career Management

  • Talent Management
  • Career Development Strategies
  • Career Advancement
  • Employee Retention Strategies
  • Succession Planning and Talent Mobility

Track 2: Sustainable HRM

  • Green HR and Environmental Sustainability
  • Sustainable Workforce Planning
  • Sustainable Compensation and Benefits
  • Ethical Sourcing and HR Practices
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable HRM
  • Ethics and Values in the VUCA world

Track 3: Employee Wellbeing

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Programs
  • Remote Work and Employee Mental Health
  • Work-Life Integration
  • Stress Management and Resilience
  • Employee Health and well-being.
  • Spirituality at the Workplace

Track 4: Future of Work

  • Gig Economy and HR Challenges
  • Agile HR Practices
  • Remote Work and Virtual Teams
  • Flexible Work Practices and Policies
  • Fixed to Flexi Work
  • Reimagining Work Design

Track 5: Leadership

  • Transformational Leadership
  • Leadership Development Programs
  • Authentic Leadership
  • Cross-Cultural Leadership Challenges
  • Strategic Leadership in the Digital Age

Track 6: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

  • Inclusive Work Practices
  • Unconscious Bias and Diversity Initiatives
  • Gender Diversity and Women in Leadership
  • LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the Workplace

Track 7: Organizational Change

  • Change Management Strategies
  • Change Communication and Employee Resistance
  • Agile Organizational Change
  • Digital Transformation and HR’s Role

Track 8: Technology Business and People

  • HR Technology Trends
  • Digitalization in HR
  • Impact of AI on HR
  • HR Analytics
  • Automation and Job Redesign
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality in HR
  • Cybersecurity and Employee Privacy

Track 9: Frontiers in HRM

  • Positive Organizational Scholarship
  • Innovative HR Practices
  • System Design, Thinking, and Action Learning
  • Meaningful Work in Relation to AI and Automation

Abstract Submission:

Interested participants should submit their abstracts adhering to the following guidelines:

  • File Format: .doc or .docx
  • Format: Single-spaced; Font type – Times New Roman; Font size – 12 point
  • The word file should be named in the following format: IRCRPM_Track_Abstract_First Author Name. For example, IRCRPM_Career Management_Abstract_Krupa M
  • The abstract should not exceed 1500 words (the abstract should be in words and should not contain any mathematical equations, figures, and tables)
  • The title of the submission should not exceed 15 words
  • Abstract should contain the title of the submission and the details about each author (name, affiliation, email, corresponding author, and presenting author)
  • One author may submit no more than two abstracts to the conference.
  • The authors of accepted abstracts may choose to submit the full paper.

The submissions of abstracts for the conference should be mailed to

The subject of the mail should be in the following format:

IRCRPM _Track_Abstract Submission_First author name_Short title

Example: IRCRPM _Abstract Submission_Krupa M_Impact of big data on supply chain risk

Please avoid multiple submissions for the same paper.

Presentation Guidelines:

Presenters will get 10-12 minutes for the presentation, with 5-8 minutes for questions and discussion. The session chair will moderate the presentations. Presenters should carry their respective presentations in a pen drive/portable hard disk.

This conference is planned as an in-person conference. All the keynote speakers, track chairs, academicians, and delegates will be physically present at the conference. Hence, to maximize your exposure and build your network, we encourage participants to attend the conference at TAPMI, Manipal, India. However, if you are not able to visit TAPMI but are interested in presenting your work, please write to