Faculty Profile

Professor & Dean Academics
Marketing Management
BE (Mech), PGDM, PhD
Date of Joining:
1st July 2024
10 years of Industry experience having worked in companies such as TVS Electronics Limited, Wipro Limited and Digital Equipment India Limited.
25 years of experience in academics out of which 24 years have been in TAPMI, Manipal. Held various administrative positions such as Program Chairperson, Admissions Chairperson, Dean Academics and Director In Charge.
- Marketing Management, B2B Marketing, Selling and Sales Negotiations, Ethics in Sales & Marketing, Key Account Management, Pedagogy in Management
- B2B Consumer Behaviour, Consumer Perceived Risk
- Parthesh R Shanbhag, Yogesh Pai, Murugan Puttuswamy, Gururaj Kidiyoor, Nandan Prabhu, “Keeping Promises in Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns: Development and Validation of Promised Impact Evidence Scale” Journal of Consumer Marketing , ISSN 0736 – 3761, DOI 10.1108/JCM-11-2022-5705, https://www.emerald.com/insight/0736-3761.htm
- Parthesh R Shanbhag, Yogesh Pai, Gururaj Kidiyoor, Nandan Prabhu, “Development and Initial Validation of a Theory of Planned Behavior Questionnaire: Assessment of Purchase Intentions towards products associated with CRM Campaigns” Cogent Business & Management(2023), 10,
- Parthesh R Shanbhag, Yogesh Pai, Gururaj Kidiyoor, Nandan Prabhu, “Purchase intentions of cause-related products: do hedonic and materialistic values synchronise with collectivism and individualism?” International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, (Inderscience ), DOI 1504/IJBIR.2023.10055986. 2023,
- Anshuman Mohanty, Shirshendu Ganguli and Gururaj Kidiyoor, “Escapist versus Eudaimonic Viewers: Classifying and Clustering audiences based on genres and movie theatres in southern India”, SEARCH Journal of Media and Communication Research, 15(1), March 2023, pp 59-77. (Scopus Q1)
- Kidiyoor G . and Yatgiri P.V (2021), “Sushruth AyurvedIndustry : Strategies for Growth”, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol.11, No.2, https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-10-2020-0381
- Kidiyoor Gururaj and Dhaigude Amol, “Obsolescence Risk in B2B Purchase of High Technology Products” International Journal of Enterprise Network Management (IJENM), Vol 11, No.3, July 2020
- Madhavan Vinod, Gururaj Kidiyoor and Simon George “Perceived Intrusiveness of Rich Media Ads in Online Advertising: Evidences from Young Indian Travelers”, Cogent Economics & Finance (OAEF), July 2019,
- Gururaj H. Kidiyoor, Prashant V. Yatgiri, “Kannada movie industry in India: strategies for survival”, Emerald Case Publishing Limited, Vol.7, No.3 2017, ISSN 2045-0621. (at https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-12-2016-0226 )
- Gururaj H Kidiyoor, “Measurement Scales for Obsolescence Risk in Business Buying of High-Technology Products” in IIM ShillongJournal of Management Science. Volume 4, No.1
- Gururaj H Kidiyoor, “For a Few Rupees More (A, B & C)” in Journal of Case Research (ISSN: 0976 – 108X), Volume III, Issue 1, June 2012, ( at https://xub.edu.in/jcr/cases/Case03ForAFewRupees.pdf ) published by Xavier Institute of Management (XIMB), Bhubaneshwar.
Conferences and Workshops
- Attended the AACSB conference on Curriculum Innovation in May 2015 in St.Louis, USA.
- Attended the “Assurance of Learning” seminar conducted by the AACSB international on 14th& 15th May 2014 at Guangzhou, China.
- Attended the “Case Writing Workshop” conducted by Harvard Business School (HBS) from 24th to 27th February 2014 at Mumbai, India.
- Attended an international seminar titled “Curriculum Development for Responsible Leadership” organized by AACSB in Singapore on 18th November 2013
- Attended the “Global Colloquium on Participant Centered Learning” at the Harvard Business School (HBS) at Boston, USA from 21st to 27th July 2013
- Web Marketing Strategy for Sushruth AyurvedIndistries (2021)
- Industry Analysis on Kannada Movies for Karnataka ChalanachitraAcademy (2015).
- Market Entry Strategies for EximoTek Pvt Ltd, Bangalore (2005)
- New Product development and Branding assignment for Classic Fusion Metals, Mangalore (2003)
- Channel structure and MIS study project for Campco Chocolates (2000).
Consulting Assignments :